Best Money Tips: Creative Travel Tips You Haven't Thought Of


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on creative travel tips you probably haven't thought of, how to host a big party on a small budget, and natural solutions to stay bug-free.

Top 5 Articles

12 Creative Travel Tips You Probably Didn’t Think Of — Pack power cords and cables a sunglasses case. [CouponPal]

Big Party, Small Budget: 7 Ways to be an Awesome Host — The cost of drinks for a party can add up quickly, but you can save money by asking your guests to bring a bottle of their favorite drink. [Thousandaire]

Stay Bug-Free This Summer With These 9 Natural Solutions — Make a fly and wasp catcher with a plastic bottle! [PopSugar Smart Living]

4 Surprising Things That Have No Impact on Your Credit Score — Your income measures your capacity to make payments, but it doesn't say anything about your creditworthiness. [Credit Sesame]

Five ways U.S. hostels are stepping up their game — Hostels aren't just for the student backpacker! Many U.S. hostels are family-friendly as well. [The Monitor]

Other Essential Reading

How Using a Fitness Band Can Save You Money — Some employers are offering insurance discounts and other rewards to employees who meet fitness goals. [Kiplinger]

Will Your Home Be A Good Investment? — Depending on your situation, it can make sense to rent out your property...and live in a rental yourself! [Listen Money Matters]

Upskilling Ideas for Entrepreneurial Success — Digital technology is a big part of our lives — and businesses. In order to be successful, entrepreneurs need to constantly learn new and more advanced computer skills. [Aspiring Millionaire]

Does a Bigger Store Always Mean Better Prices? — Sure, large retailers can often offer lower prices, but while a store may have a big physical footprint, the company might actually be relatively small. [MoneyNing]

10 Ways You're Making Your Child Unhealthy — Don't do everything for them. They need to try things on their own (and fail sometimes) to develop independence and resilience. [Parenting Squad]

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