Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on eating better food for less, making big life decisions, and cheap baby essentials under $30.
Shop Like the French. You'll Eat Better Food For Less — Shopping often and buying whole foods can help you eat better food for less. [Free to Pursue]
Making Big Life Decisions: The Regret Test — When you are making a decision about what to do, think about which you would regret more: doing what you are thinking about doing or not doing what you are considering doing. [Color Me Frugal]
Money Musings From Mommyhood, Week 8: Cheap Baby Essentials Under $30 — A wipe warmer and multi-use pads are just a couple cheap baby essentials any new parent should consider investing in. [Farnoosh]
Warning: Two Factors Stopping Your Financial Success — Are you having trouble being financially successful? Your mindset may be the cause of your difficulties. [Take a Smart Step]
10 Ways We Pay Attention to Money — Take the time to balance your bank accounts monthly and reassess your emergency fund balances annually. [MoneyPlan SOS]
Want a Used Washer? Budget Some Time — If you are thinking about buying a used washer, start looking long before you will actually need it. [Mighty Bargain Hunter]
Tips for Financing Your First Car — When financing a car, stay away from dealer financing and read the fine print. [Joe Taxpayer]
Four Tips for Glamping on a Budget — To glamp on a budget, cook from scratch instead of eating out or buying ready made food. [Miss Thrifty Blog]
The 5 Best Toddler Carseats — Are you in the market for a carseat for your toddler? Check out the Clek Oobr Booster Car Seat. [Parenting Squad]
56 Ways to Be a Risk Taker Today — Signing up for a class and doing a DIY are just a couple ways you can take a risk today. [PopSugar Smart Living]
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Thanks so much for featuring my glamping post. :)