Best Money Tips: Eat Healthy and Amazing for $50 a Month


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some terrific articles on how to eat healthy for $50 a month, financial moves to make in your 20s, and tips for living on one income.

Top 5 Articles

Eat Amazing (and Healthy) for $50/Month — Protein is your friend! You'll go longer with more energy before you feel hungry again. [Dumb Little Man]

3 Smart Financial Moves to Make in Your 20s — Develop a system for paying off debt and growing your savings — both are very important! [iMoney]

6 Tips for Living on One Income — If you can, test out single-income living first before you take the plunge. Use the second income to build up your emergency fund. []

6 Ways to Save $20 Today — It's nice to go out with friends sometimes, but skip dinner if you can; lunch is usually much cheaper. [DINKS Finance]

10 Common Turkey Mistakes You Won’t Make This Thanksgiving — If you don't use a roasting rack, the meat on the bottom of the turkey will end up dry, overcooked, and often burned. [Lifehack]

Other Essential Reading

DIY Gifts to Make When You Have a Ton of People on Your List — DIY cup cozies are easy to make, cute, and always useful! [PopSugar Smart Living]

8 Simple Squash Recipes — Squash soup is hearty and delicious. Try Delicata Squash soup or Pumpkin and Leek Soup tonight! [Parenting Squad]

4 Lazy Ways to Make Money by Leaving Your Computer On — Companies like Slicify pay you to partition off your PC so others can run software on it without having access to your any of your programs or files. [Money Pantry]

Tips for Productive Reading — Don't get stuck in a reading rut — pick up something your normally wouldn't read and you may gain a new perspective by the end of it! [Productivity501]

5 Practical Tips to Improve Your Social Life — If you have trouble interacting with people, interact with more people. Visit your friends and family, dine out — it'll get easier as you go. [Raheel Farooq]

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Changing to a protein heavy diet has slayed my appetite as well, so reading the article near the top served as vindication for me. All the other ones will make for some great weekend reading ... thanks!

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