Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on entertaining on a budget, saving money at restaurants, and how to use LinkedIn.
6 Easy Tips for Entertaining on a Budget — To entertain on a budget, learn how to make gourmet coffee at home. [Money Ning]
8 Ways to Save Money When Eating at a Restaurant — Want to save money when eating out? Try to stick with the specials. [Five Cent Nickel]
How to Use LInkedIn - Connecting the Right Way — If you want to connect with someone you don't know on LinkedIn, be sure to send a personalized note with your connection request. [Cash Money Life]
Insurance customer satisfaction study reveals best insurance companies -- Did you know that USAA is a consumer favorite for auto and home insurance companies or that Ameriprise has the most satisfied life insurance companies? [Insure.com]
4 Reasons You Should Set Unrealistically High Goals — Setting unrealistically high goals can cause you to draw on your creativity. [Watson Inc]
6 Key Tax Mistakes To Avoid — This tax season, don't make the mistake of going it alone. Get help from a tax professional. [RateNerd]
Keep the Kid's Rooms Neat With the Threat of the Thrift Store — Get your kids to keep their room clean by giving your kids 30 minutes to clean their rooms, then taking whatever is still on the floor to the thrift store. [Parenting Squad]
4 Ways to Helpl Your Budget — To help your budget, start recycling. [billeater.com]
5 Reasons You're Late - And How To Avoid Them — Make sure your alarm clock wakes you up in the morning by placing it on the other side of your room so you have to get up to turn it off. [SavvySugar]
3 Money Resolutoins Parents Can Share With Their Children — When teaching money lessons to your kids, remember that kids learn by doing. [MintLife Blog]
Credit Sesame #Sesamechat Twitter Chat — Don't miss Credit Sesame's #Sesamechat at 6pm PST! They will be giving away prizes!
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Thanks so much for including me in your round Ashley! I really appreciate it, and I hope you have a fabulous day!
You are welcome!