Best Money Tips: Factors That Can Raise Your Insurance Premiums


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some stellar articles on factors that can raise your insurance premiums, buying high-quality low-priced furniture, and living frugal but looking rich.

Top 5 Articles

10 Factors That Can Raise Your Insurance Premiums — Did you know four cylinder cars cost less to insure than eight cylinder cars? [Kiplinger]

12 Tips for Buying High-Quality, Low-Priced Furniture — Before you purchase furniture, test the cushions and avoid nails and glue. [Money Talks News]

Living Frugal but Looking Rich — Brown bag your lunch so you can travel more. [MSN Money]

How to Ask for a Raise in a Tough Economy — When asking for a raise in a tough economy, document your accomplishments. [Bargaineering]

Living for Nothing: Ideas From Traveling That Could Be Used at Home — Typically when you travel you look for free entertainment. Try doing the same thing at home! [Frugal Zeitgeist]

Other Essential Reading

Are You Financially Prepared for a Tragedy? — To get prepared for a tragedy, prepare a living will and durable health care power of attorney. [Credit Sesame]

Why I Use a CPA to Do My Taxes — Using a CPA to do your taxes can save you 30-40 hours of work. [Free Money Finance]

What You Need to Know Before You Rent Your Place on Airbnb — Before you rent your place on Airbnb, prep your place like family is visiting. [PopSugar Smart Living]

ProSquad: When Your Preschooler Transitions Out of a Daily Nap — If your child starts transitioning away from daily naps, move his or her bedtime 20-30 minutes later to encourage resting during the day. [Parenting Squad]

10 Simple Ways to Live a Longer and Happier Life — Live a healthy, happy life by dreaming big and being physically active. [Lifehack]

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Guest's picture

Thanks for the link on my post :). I love living like a traveler at home!

Ashley Jacobs's picture

You are welcome!

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