Best Money Tips: Father's Day Gifts for the DIY Dad


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on affordable Father’s Day gifts for the DIY dad, what you should do when you don’t get a raise, and why you should have a last-minute vacation.

Top 5 Articles

10 Affordable Father's Day Gifts for the DIY Dad — Supply your dad with everything he needs to make infused liquor in his favorite flavors! [Cheapism]

Didn’t Get A Raise? Here’s What You Should Do — Start a side hustle! Creating another source of income is usually more effective than waiting for a raise at your current job. [Money Under 30]

5 Reasons To Say Yes To A Last Minute Vacation — Hotels want to fill their rooms on any given night, so they'll drop the prices on unreserved rooms to encourage last-minute bookings. [CouponPal]

5 Personal Details (About Your Marriage/Spouse) That You Should Never Share With Friends — Don't talk about your partner's fears and failures if they're still struggling with it. [Parenting Squad]

These Unconventional Tips Will Make Your Life Way Better — You'll accomplish more with one minute on the phone than an hour spent on email and texts. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Other Essential Reading

Ten power tips for buying and selling at yard sales — Factor in what the container is worth. The deal might be even better than you first thought! [Mighty Bargain Hunter]

Here’s Why You Need Travel Insurance — Your credit card may come with travel insurance, but there are many rules, exclusions, and coverage holes that you need to be aware of. [PT Money]

How To Grow Fruit Trees In Containers — Choose the largest pot that you can! It should hold at least 15 gallons. [Moms Need to Know]

How to Avoid Student Loan Repayment Scams — Legitimate debt relief companies don't usually charge up-front fees. If a company pressures you to pay, walk away. [Girls Just Wanna Have Funds]

Personal Habits That Helped Me Get Out Of Debt — Go through all the projects that you've left sitting around…and finish them! [Frugal Beautiful]

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