Best Money Tips: Financial Advice for My Future Kids


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on financial advice for kids, steps to take when filing for bankruptcy, and how to deal with debt collection agencies.

Top 5 Articles

Financial Advice for My Future Kids — When teaching your kids about finance, be sure to teach them to make saving money a habit. [Thousandaire]

5 Steps to Take When You're Filing For Bankruptcy — Before you file for bankruptcy, be sure to know the ramifications of filing. [SavvySugar]

How To Deal With Debt Collection Agencies: Don't Get Harrassed! — When dealing with debt collection agencies, be sure to keep the lines of communication open. [The Digerati Life]

High on Fun, Low on Cost Halloween Costumes — This Halloween, opt for a cheap, fun costume by being a tourist. [The Sun's Financial Diary]

Why a Good Credit Score Matters When You're Not Borrowing — A good credit score matters even when you aren't borrowing because your credit score affects your insurance premiums. [Money Smart Life]

Other Essential Reading

Straight From the Heart: Care Package Ideas for College Students — When putting together a care package for a college student, don't forget to include a note. [Parenting Squad]

Retirement Costs in 13 Countries — If you are thinking about relocating to a low-cost living country for retirement, don't forget to look into why the cost of living is so low. Check for things such as crime rates and whether or not they have running water. [Free Money Finance]

4 Items that you are Spending Too Much On — Chances are you are spending too much money on cable. [How I Save]

7 Ways to Deal with Challenges — Deal with challenges in your life by not comparing your lifestyle with the lifestyles of others. [Life Optimizer]

4 Crucual Tips To Help You Save For Your Next Car Purchase — Save for your next car purchase by making short term sacrafices such as downgrading your Internet package for six months. [Smart On Money]

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Wise Bread Tweetchat (#WBChat) — Don't miss our weekly #WBChat! This week we will be talking about rebuilding credit with special guest, Credit Karma!

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Ben Edwards's picture

Thanks for the mention Ashley!

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