Best Money Tips: Foods You Shouldn't Refreeze


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on foods you shouldn't refreeze after thawing, unexpected ways to use honey, and personal finance for lazy people.

Top 5 Articles

Foods You Shouldn't Refreeze After Thawing — Homemade leftovers are fine to freeze, but they start to go bad when you thaw them a second time. [Lifehacker]

17 Unexpectedly Sweet Uses for Honey — Take a tablespoon or two of honey before heavy meals to tame indigestion. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Unbudgeting: Personal Finance for Lazy People — For some people, trying to be too detailed with your finances can burn you out. Instead, simply set your one big goal and immediately fund it with money left over after your living expenses are paid. [Everybody Loves Your Money]

23 of the Richest People on Twitter, Generously Sharing Their Wealth of Knowledge — Elon Musk, the brains behind the Tesla all-electric car, posts updates on all things tech and Tesla. [SuperMoney]

20 Brilliant Ways to Use Paper Rolls — Got a ton of cords and cables? Use toilet paper rolls to keep them organized! [Christian PF]

Other Essential Reading

4 Things to Prepare for When Selling Your Home — There are some documents that need to be taken care of in person, and you'll need a notary to help do that. [Quizzle Wire]

25 DIY Christmas Ornaments — This roundup of DIY Christmas ornaments will get your creative juices flowing. Choose from washi tape cookie cutter ornaments, Scrabble ornaments, beaded icicle ornaments, and more! [Bargain Briana]

Six Things You NEED to Know When Buying a New TV — Make sure your new TV has all the input/output jacks necessary to connect your other devices. [Clever Dude]

How to Find the Best Financial Planner for You — Make sure the financial planner will take the time to explain why he recommends specific actions. [Beating Broke]

Children as Child Predators: Protecting Our Kids — Watch out for signs of both emotional and physical abuse. Don't ignore any changes in your child's behavior, even if they don't say a word about it. [Parenting Squad]

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