Best Money Tips: Free Ways to Improve Home Security


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found free ways to improve your home’s security, seasonal crafts you can make from items in your kitchen and yard, and simple strategies for saving money on food.

Top 5 Articles

6 No-Cost Ways to Keep Thieves Out of Your Home — Appearances count! When you're out, set your lights on timers. When you're out of town, ask the post office to hold your mail and have friends come over to water plants or just walk around. [Money Talks News]

Seasonal Crafts From the Kitchen & Yard — Give your home a warm glow with luminaries made from gourds and squash. [Spend Less TV]

Ten Surprisingly Simple Strategies for Saving Money on Food — You can use pretty much every part of a rotisserie chicken in some way. When you're done with the meaty parts, save the bones, gristle, and leftover meat and skin for chicken stock. [The Simple Dollar]

Nine essential checklist items for an annual financial checkup — Take another look at your emergency fund. A lot can change in a year! Do you have enough savings to cover six months of expenses? [The Monitor]

7 Cheap Destinations to Celebrate Halloween This Year — Halloween is a great time for a quick getaway before the holiday rush. If you find yourself in the New Orleans' French Quarter, stop by the Voodoo Museum or take a ghost tour. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Other Essential Reading

5 Wastes You Didn’t Know Could Be Recycled — Cigarette butts can be recycled into plastic lumber for pallets and benches, and the fibers can be used for fabric. [Sustainablog]

How to Shop at Home Depot Like a Money Saving Pro — Check the rebate center on Home Depot's website for hundreds of offers! [More With Less Today]

10 Ways You Can Improve Your Life by Investing in Yourself — Creativity helps you to think outside the box and find solutions to sticky problems. Get inspiration from music, nature and everyday life! [Current on Currency]

How To Find Meaningful Work In 5 Simple Steps — Meaningful work is often hard work, so be willing to get your hands dirty. [Untemplater]

Garage Sale Tips & Strategies For Homeowners — When you're looking for things to sell, thoroughly check all your boxes for any goods that may have dropped into the wrong box. [Frugal Buzz]

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