Best Money Tips: Free Ways to Relax


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money TIps Roundup! Today we found some great articles on totally free ways to relax, creating lasting financial resolutions, and the keys to winning with money.

Top 5 Articles

Super Savvy! 10 Totally Free Ways To Relax — Watching the sunset or sunrise is a great way to relax for free! [SavvySugar]

7 Steps to Creating Lasting Financial Resolutions — To create lasting financial resolutions, set time limits for your resolutions. [MoneyNing]

The 6 Keys to Winning with Money — Discipline is one of the keys to winning with money. [From the Desk of Robert Jacobs]

A few things to consider before becoming an expatriate — Before becoming an expatriate, take some time to consider currency, taxes, and investments. [Get Rich Slowly]

Pay it Forward by Re-Gifting — If you ever receive a gift that could be useful to someone in need, regifting it may be a good idea. [Five Cent Nickel]

Other Essential Reading

3 Ways to Save on Car Insurance That You Haven't Thought Of — Maintaining a good credit score can help you save on car insurance. [The Penny Hoarder]

Comparison Shopping: Before You Buy in the Store, Check Online — Did you know you can save up to 50% when you comparison shop online? [Canadian Finance Blog]

(Actually Good) 2012 Year End Tax Tips — Push as many tax deductions as you can out until next year. This may be a gamble, but it could also pay off for you too. [Don't Quit Your Day Job]

Do You Pay Your Kids for Good Grades? — Would you pay your kids or offer them an incentive for getting good grades? [Free Money Finance]

Tips for Including Kids in Your New Year's Eve Celebration — Finger foods are a great idea when including kids in your new year's eve celebration. [Parenting Squad]

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