Best Money Tips: Frugal Pet Care


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on frugal pet care, tips for investing in penny stocks, and giant money wasters.

Top 5 Articles

Frugal Friday - Pet Care — Save money on pet care by buying pet food in bulk. [Amateur Financier]

Tips For Investing In Penny Stocks: Elephants Don't Gallop — If you want to invest in penny stocks, remember that timing is everything. [The Digerati Life]

10 More Giant Money Wasters — Don't waste money on new name brand clothing. [The Simple Dollar]

5 Simple Ways to Save for Vacation — Save for your next vacation by planning your vacation during the off-season. [Christian PF]

Summer Wedding Savings Tips - How To Be A Smart Spending Guest — Be a financially smart wedding guest by carpooling to weddings that are out of town. [Mogo Savings Blog]

Other Essential Reading

How To Do A Girls' Night Out As A Mom — Do a girl's night out as a mom by organizing a date. [Parenting Squad]

Five Career Moves with Exponential Returns — Make a career move that will pay off by reading an industry-related book. [Get Rich Slowly]

7 Meditation Tips to Help Refresh and Relax You — Refresh and relax yourself by not concentrating on keeping thoughts out of your mind. [Personal Dividends]

How to Prep Your Car for a Trade In — Prepare your car for a trade in by giving it a good waxing. [Currency]

Memorial Day Freebies, Events, and Sweepstakes — Don't miss out on the "Remember Our Heroes" Sweepstakes this Memorial Day. [Coupon Sherpa]

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