Best Money Tips: Frugal Ways to Enjoy the Beach


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some fantastic articles on frugal ways to enjoy the beach, deciding where to live, and networking boo-boos.

Top 5 Articles

15 Frugal Ways to Enjoy the Beach — Enjoy the beach frugally by playing frisbee or flying a kite. [My Dollar Plan]

How to Decide Where to Live — When deciding where to live, be sure to take into consideration location and leasing terms. [20 and Engaged]

The Top 8 Networking Boo-Boos — If you are networking, don't email someone simply to ask for general advice. [US News & World Report]

How To Securely Manage Your Online Financial Accounts — To manage your financial accounts online securely, encrypt your sensitive computer files. [Bible Money Matters]

The 5 Commandments for Saving Time and Reducing Stress — Want to save time and reduce stress? Make it a point to organize your time. [Dumb Little Man]

Other Essential Reading

How To Negotiate Your Rent When Re-Leasing An Apartment — If you want to negotiate your rent when re-leasing your apartment, be friendly and professional. [SavvySugar]

4 Important Factors in Choosing the Right Life Insurance Policy — Choose the right life insurance policy by figuring out how long of a term you need. [Good Financial Cents]

Automating Bill Pay - The Pros and the Cons — Setting up bill pay can help you automate your debt snowball. [Couple Money]

The 52 Best Money Saving Tips, Ideas #25 through #31 — To save money, use students for services and practice good driving habits. [Free Money Finance]

10 Self-Serve Summer Breakfast for Kids — Give yourself a break from cooking breakfast in the summer by making breakfast sandwiches and stashing a few in the freezer so your kids can reheat them in the morning. [Parenting Squad]

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