Best Money Tips: Get Free Stocking Stuffers


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some fantastic articles on ways to get free stocking stuffers, reasons to make your child's Halloween costume, and amazing job perks.

Top 5 Articles

13 Ways to Get Free Stocking Stuffers — To get free stocking stuffers, enter drawings and follow freebie/deals bloggers. [MSN Money]

10 Reasons to Make Your Child's Costume This Halloween — Making your child's Halloween costume saves you money and is less commercial. [Parenting Squad]

50 Amazing Job Perks — Did you know Google employees get free haircuts and Clif Bar employees have access to on-site massages? [Money Talks News]

Decorate Your Apartment With Inexpensive and Out-Of-The-Box Ideas — Decorate your apartment using laundry clips to hang photos. [SavvySugar]

How to Negotiate for a Lower Price on Anything — Get a lower price in any situation by doing your homework and not taking no for an answer. [Jezebel]

Other Essential Reading

Nine Frugal Ideas for Nine Friends — Do you want a different career? Then you must spend a significant chunk of time getting your new career started! [The Simple Dollar]

5 Glamorous Jobs that Aren't as Cool as You Think — Being an investigative journalist is not quite as cool as you think. [Bargaineering]

3 Superstitions that Factor into Your Finances — If you think putting your purse on the floor will cause you to stay broke, you may be doubting your ability to manage money. [Credit Sesame]

Real Estate 101: Getting It Rented — When renting out real estate, market your property aggressively. [Free Money Finance]

8 Intriguing Businesses on Wheels — Did you know that a gym on wheels exists? What about a mobile hair salon? [Kiplinger]

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