Best Money Tips: Get the Most Bang for Your College Buck


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on getting the most bang for your college buck, pet services you can do yourself, and saving money by toting snacks.

Top 5 Articles

Bang for Your College Buck: 8 School Services You Must Use — Take advantage of health insurance and services at your college. [SavvySugar]

3 Pricey Pet Services You Can Do Yourself — Don't pay to have your pet's nails clipped. Instead, opt to learn to do it yourself! [Money Talks News]

Tote Snacks, Save Money — By carrying snacks with you, you can avoid spending money on overpriced vending machine items. [MSN Money]

Booking Travel Online? 5 Things You Need to Know — When booking travel online, make sure you read the fine print regarding intinerary changes and rebooking policies. [Credit Sesame]

6 Reasons Why You Should Never Buy a New Car If You're Under 25 — Don't buy a new car if you are under 25. You will pay more interest! []

Other Essential Reading

6 Science-Backed Ways to Make Better Decisions — Make better decisions by taking a moment before making your decision. [The Huffington Post]

What Insurance Do You Need When You Travel? — Before you buy insurance for traveling, figure out what insurance you already have. [Bargaineering]

Great Funds for Growing Dividends — Kiplinger identifies Vanguard Dividend Appreciation as one of the top dividend ETFs. [Kiplinger]

The Career Pros and Cons of Social Media Postings — Employers do look at what you post online! Mentions of volunteering are good, but steer clear of alcohol references in your postings. [Free Money Finance]

Healthy Sandwiches and Snacks for Your Child's Lunchbox — Peanut butter and fruit sandwiches are a healthy option for your child's lunch. [Parenting Squad] 

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