Best Money Tips: Get the Most for Your Travel Dollars


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on how to get the most for your travel dollars, home maintenance tips, and ways to make easy cash.

Top 5 Articles

Cheap Travel: How To Get The Most For Your Travel Dollars — To maximize the money you have to spend when you travel, start travel hacking. [Get Rich Slowly]

Easy Home Maintenance Tips — Is the water pressure in your faucet low? Try taking off the mesh screen on the faucet and cleaning it to restore pressure. [The Digerati Life]

5 Ways To Make Easy Cash — Need an easy way to make some extra cash? Try selling your old phones. [Money Hacker]

Department Store Shopping Strategies — Are you headed to the department store? If so, try to buy only items that are on sale. [Bucksome Boomer]

4 Tricks to Becoming a Memory Fiend — Want to have a better memory? Don't multitask when you are trying to memorize something. [SavvySugar]

Other Essential Reading

4 Reasons to Reshop Your Auto Insurance — Have you recently been in an accident or gotten a speeding ticket? If so, it's time to reshop your auto insurance. [Kiplinger]

10 Ways To Entertain A Sick Toddler — To entertain a sick toddler, try putting on a puppet show for him or her. [Parenting Squad]

Taxpayer Rights: What You Need to Know If You Get Audited — If you get audited this tax season, you have the right to challenge IRS notices. [WalletPop]

5 Reasons Why Being Alone Is Brilliant — Being alone isn't all bad. It allows you the opportunity to be free and do what you want for a change. [Real Simple People]

What To Say Or Do If You've Been Unemployed For A While — If you've been unemployed for awhile, put the hiring manager's fears at ease by letting him or her know you planning on staying long term with whatever organization hires you. [Financial Samurai]

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