Best Money Tips: Habits That Lead to Wealth


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on habits that lead to wealth and prosperity, smart ways to multitask, and ways to slash your cell phone bill.

Top 5 Articles

4 Habits that Lead to Wealth and Prosperity — Stay positive! If you do, you'll see the open doors and new opportunities when they come your way. [Money Spruce]

10 Smart Ways to Multitask — Some activities are better suited for multitasking than others. Working on a craft project while you watch TV is easy; doing laundry while you cook dinner can be disastrous. [Living Well Spending Less]

8 Ways to Slash Your Expensive Cell Phone Bill — Avoid getting hit with a huge bill when you travel by checking what the roaming charges are for your carrier before you leave home. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Wendy's, McDonald's, and other chains struggle to balance quality and value — The quality of food at fast food chains isn't high enough to draw diners from fast-casual eateries, but prices are no longer cheap enough to attract low-income customers, either. [The Monitor]

5 Tips to Communicate Better — A conversation isn't just words. We each bring in our past experiences, feelings, thoughts and perceptions. So take stock of your baggage and try to keep it separate from your current experience. [Think Simple Now]

Other Essential Reading

8 Ways To Reuse Your Old CDs And Floppy Disks — Turn your CDs and floppy disks into light fixtures, jewelry, planters, and more! [Don't Pay Full]

Auto Financing For Smart People: Tips For Saving On Your Car Loan — If your credit is only average, the dealership may not give you the best rates. Get loan quotes before you go to the dealership so you know what your options are. [Money Under 30]

6 Most Commonly Outsourced Tasks and Why They Work — The most commonly outsourced tasks tend to be time-consuming or annoying, have low requirements for perfection, and don't need to consider personal preferences. [Dumb Little Man]

The 6 Best Organizations For Volunteer Travelling — If you want to do some good while you travel, check out organizations like Global Vision International and Love Volunteers. [Lifehack]

23 Fun Summer Bucket List Activities for Families — Take this opportunity to make summertime favorites like s'mores and ice pops. [Parenting Squad]

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