Best Money Tips: Have Better Conversations With These Tips


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on ways to have great conversations, tips to motivate yourself for a morning workout, and what to expect from Target’s Black Friday sale.

Top 5 Articles

5 Ways to Have Great Conversations — Show an interest in what the other person is saying and ask open-ended questions to help them delve deeper into the conversation. [Change Your Thoughts]

7 Tips to Motivate Yourself for a Morning Workout — Keep a stash of mints on your nightstand and pop one into your mouth the second your alarm goes off. The refreshing mint will stimulate your brain and make you more alert — and less inclined to go back to bed. [Pick The Brain]

What to expect from Target's 2016 Black Friday sale — Keep an eye out for Target's "early access" deals, which allows you to shop for Black Friday deals before the sale actually begins. [The Monitor]

Catch a Recruiter's Eye With These 7 Cover Letter Tips — Don't send a generic cover letter. Tweak your tone to suit the company you're applying to. [PopSugar Smart Living]

10 Sites Where You Can Buy Things on Sale Every Day of the Year — These sites have sales year-round, offering great deals on clothing, food, electronics, and more! [Money Pantry]

Other Essential Reading

11 Hacks to Make Instant Ramen More Delicious for Less Than $1 — Ditch the sodium- and chemical-filled flavor packets. You can make a tastier and healthier meal by adding things like soy sauce, vegetables, and herbs to instant ramen. [Cheapism]

5 Effective Techniques To Learn A Language Faster — Understanding humor in a language you're not fluent in is really difficult… which is why you should read jokes to try to master the language! [Dumb Little Man]

46 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Can Improve Your Life — Apple cider vinegar offers many health benefits. It can lower blood pressure, relieve allergies, fight migraines, and more! [More With Less Today]

Unconventional Ways to Make A Few Extra Dollars Before the Holidays — You should be a good friend anyway, but you can actually get paid to be a friend to someone who needs some platonic company. [SheBudgets]

9 Tips For Turning Side Projects Into Legit Businesses — Start out as a freelancer or presell your goods or services before you commit full time. You'll gain experience, build a portfolio, and have a roster of clients by the time you're ready to take the leap. [Due]

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