Best Money Tips: How to Ask for a Raise


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some fantastic articles on how to ask for a raise, saving on summer camp, and signs you need a vacation.

Top 5 Articles

How To Ask For A Raise - 7 Tips — When asking for a raise, it's important to show quantifiable results. [Financial Highway]

6 Ways to Save on Summer Camp — Save on summer camp by looking for discounts or scholarships. [US News and World Report]

11 Signs You Need a Vacation ASAP — If you are burned out or always think about work, chances are you need a vacation ASAP. [SavvySugar]

Saving Priorities: Retirement vs. Kids' Education — Typically, financial advisors will encourage you to save for retirement before putting money aside for your children's education. [Consumerism Commentary]

Ways to Save Money From Your Home Loan — To save money on your home loan, only borrow what you need and pay it off as quickly as possible. [One Cent at a Time]

Other Essential Reading

Six Great Purchases Under $100 — A proper kitchen knife or a lock pick set are great purchases under $100. [Canadian Finance Blog]

Discover Different Options on your Home Insurance — Did you know you can get accidental damage insurance for your home? [Free Money Wisdom]

Are Prepaid College Tuition Plans a Good or Bad Idea? — A prepaid college tuition plan may be a good idea because it enables you to purchase future college at current prices. [Cash Money Life]

Home Security Plans — You can make your home more secure by using light timers and getting a security system. [Free Money Finance]

5 Childhood Fears and How to Calm Them — To help calm your child's fear of the dark, check the closet and under the bed before your child goes to sleep. [Parenting Squad]

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Ray Jamali's picture

Thanks for including us in your awesome list!

Ashley Jacobs's picture

You are welcome!

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