Best Money Tips: How to Be Invincible


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some amazing articles on how to be invincible, cutting the cost of beauty products, and ways to attract money to you.

Top 5 Articles

How to Be Invincible — If you want to be financially invincible, have a fully stocked emergency fund and have extra cash in your checking account. [Budgets Are Sexy]

7 Ways to Cut the Cost of Beauty Products — To save on beauty products, don't wash your hair every day and give yourself a manicure or pedicure. []

7 Simple Ways to Attract Money to You — Learning from successful people can help you attract more money. [Lifehack]

The Ultimate Roth IRA Conversion Guide — Everything You Need to Know — Did you know there are three different ways that you can roll over a Traditional IRA into a Roth IRA? [Good Financial Cents]

7 People Who Are Always Broke — People who don't pay their bills on time and try to keep up with others tend to end up broke. [YoPro Wealth]

Other Essential Reading

What Should I Blog About? — If you are thinking about starting a blog, think about whether or not you could write 100 blog posts on the topic you are considering blogging about. [Microblogger]

How Do You Determine Your House's Value? — When trying to determine the value of your home, check out Zillow for assistance! [Consumerism Commentary]

23 Amazing Ways to Use Balloons — Have you ever used balloons to make chocolate cups? [PopSugar Smart Living]

The Most Dangerous Habit That's Ruining Your 20s (and How to Fix it Today!) — Not following through on your plans and goals is one of the most dangerous habits you can develop. [Studenomics]

9 Ways to Help Fight Cancer — To help fight cancer, volunteer or make a donation. [Parenting Squad]

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