Best Money Tips: How to Find Your Dream Job in 2016


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found ways to find your dream job in 2016, how to know if your holiday spending is out of control, and financial conversations to have before the end of the year..

Top 5 Articles

10 Steps to Finding Your Dream Job in 2016 — Assess the opportunities in front of you. There might be a more suitable role for you at your company, or it might only take a few changes to make your current job better. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Is your holiday spending out of control? — You're more likely to overspend if you buy things for yourself while you're shopping for others. [The Monitor]

5 Financial Conversations You Should Have Before The End Of The Year — Check in with your spouse about next year's savings and spending goals. [Forbes]

5 Simple Mindsets To Make You Happier Every Day — Look for ways to grow as a person every day. Spend time on your passions and the things that give you satisfaction. [Dumb Little Man]

Nine Strategies for Investing in Yourself Without Major Financial Expense — Eat your meals with someone whenever you can. Use this time to build relationships, whether it's with a family member, friend, co-worker, or someone else. [The Simple Dollar]

Other Essential Reading

Deck your halls with 5 Pinterest-ready holiday decorations — Star garlands are festive enough to get you through New Year's! [Yahoo! Shopping]

Holiday preparations you might overlook but will save you time and energy — Expecting guests? Make room in the coat closet, with some extra hangers, so visitors have a place to leave their outerwear. [Unclutterer]

My favorite 3 anti-laziness tactics — Put your to-do's on your calendar to make sure they get done. If it isn't on your calendar, it doesn't exist. [I Will Teach You To Be Rich]

How to Really Make Money Recycling Plastic — Use this primer to start making money from the plastics around your home. [Money Pantry]

How to Navigate Tough Conversations With Your Tween Daughter — Don't ignore statements that your daughter makes about herself. You may think her fears are silly, but they're very real to her and it's important to know why she feels the way she does. [Parenting Squad]


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