Best Money Tips: How to Get a Free Month of Amazon Prime


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on how to get a month of Amazon Prime for free, this month's food and drink freebies, and better laundry habits that will lower your power bill.

Top 5 Articles

Amazon Prime: How to Get One Month for Free — If you're an Amazon Prime member and a package did not arrive by the guaranteed delivery date, you can request a one-month membership extension. [The Monitor]

5 Food and Drink Freebies in March — Today is National Pancake Day! You until 10 p.m. tonight to get a free short stack of pancakes at IHOP. [Kiplinger]

How Better Laundry Habits Can Cut Your Power Bill — Don't forget to empty the lint trap! Your dryer runs more efficiently when the trap is nice and clean. [One Smart Dollar]

Throw These 9 Things Into Your Bag for a Productive Day — Keep a pack of peppermint or cinnamon mints on you for the times when you need a quick boost to your mood and energy. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Saving Money at the Movie Theater: 5 Ways to Indulge Without Overspending — It's worth it to join a theater's rewards club if you watch movies there at least three times a year. [MoneyNing]

Other Essential Reading

5 Ways to Psych Yourself Into Saving Money — A 2013 study found that people with one liquid account saved more than those with several. If you want to save more, then merge your accounts. [Credit Sesame]

It’s Getting Easier to Do Good by Linking Your Spending to Your Favorite Charity — The AmazonSmile program donates an amount equal to 0.5% of most purchases to a charity of your choice. [Bargaineering]

Consider Using Foreign Exchange Specialists for International Transactions — Foreign exchange specialists allow you to make secure international payments anywhere in the world, at any time. They often cost less than comparable services offered by international banks. [Thousandaire]

7 Ideas for New Family Traditions — Chronicle the growth of your family by taking family photos every year. [Parenting Squad]

6 Signs You Might Lose Your Job — If you're increasingly out of the loop at work, it could mean you'll be out of a job soon. [Money Smart Life]

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