Best Money Tips: How to Host a Yard Sale


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on hosting a yard sale, shopping smarter for crafts, and frugal health and beauty tips.

Top 5 Articles

How to Host a Yard Sale — When hosting a yard sale, remember to advertise effectively and think like a customer. [Get Rich Slowly]

6 Ways To Shop Smarter For Crafts — Be smart when shopping for crafts by purchasing off-season items. [SavvySugar]

Frugal Health and Beauty Tips: Look Good & Save $800 A Year — To save money on beauty, give yourself a manicure and pedicure at home. [The Digerati Life]

The Two Parts To Increasing Net Worth — A key step to increasing your net worth is to lower your expenses. [Budgets Are Sexy]

5 Fool Proof Ways To Beat Rising Gas Prices — Save money on gas by not filling up your tank during the middle of the week when prices are the highest. [Finance Fox]

Other Essential Reading

Throw a Thrifty Summer Bash by Planning a Tailgate Party — If you are planning a summer tailgate party, keep the menu flexible and prepare as much as you can in advance. [Financial Highway]

Make Your Retirement Dollars Stretch Further With Part-Time Employment — Working part time in retirement allows you to enjoy free time while working a reduced work schedule. [Bible Money Matters]

Want a Little Extra Money? You Might Already Have Some — Check out to see if you have any missing money! [Canadian Finance Blog]

Mistakes New Grads Should Avoid When Applying For A Job — When applying for a job, new grads should remember to research the company they are applying to and have a backup plan. [Dollarversity]

Road Trip Roundup: Surviving Summer Car Trips With Kids — Make your summer road trip with the kids more tolerable by playing games or letting them hold the map and navigate. [Parenting Squad]

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