Best Money Tips: How to Improve Yourself — Constantly


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on ways to constantly improve yourself, how to save money on home repairs, and ways to save money by taking a vacation.

Top 5 Articles

8 Hacks To Constantly Improve Yourself — It can be hard to see your own shortcomings sometimes. Ask for feedback from people you trust, accept their critique, and take steps to change for the better. [LifeHacks]

5 Simple Ways to Save Money on Home Repairs — Look for salvaged materials that you can use for your projects, like doors, windows, and light fixtures. You'll save money and help the environment! [Frugal Village]

10 Ways Taking a Vacation Will Actually Save You More Money — If your company offers paid vacation, it's probably on a use-it-or-lose-it basis. Not using those vacation days is like giving away free money. [SheBudgets]

4 Uses For Lemons You've Never Thought of Before — Disinfect your sink by scrubbing it with half a lemon and salt, then toss the lemon into the garbage disposal to clean the blades. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Momentum is building for electric cars, but where will they recharge? — Electric cars are becoming more popular, but affordable and standardized charging stations are still scarce in many areas. [The Christian Science Monitor]

Other Essential Reading

5 Signs You Might Need to Hire a Business Coach — A business coach can help you work through the steps to implement your ideas. [Due]

How to Negotiate Salary (or Anything Else) — It's vital to negotiate your first salary, as this sets the precedent for future salaries. [Money Strands]

Lighten Up! These DIY Hair Highlighters are Natural and Cheap — Running cooled chamomile tea through your hair will give it a golden tint that lasts just under two weeks. [The Penny Hoarder]

8 Financial Tips for the Unemployed or Underemployed — Many jobs sites and online resources can get oversaturated with applicants. You'll find less competition on local job boards. [Enwealthen]

The 2 Leadership Traits That Will Set You Apart (and Sustain You For The Long Haul) — These two leadership traits will keep the fire in your belly through good times and bad. [Terry St. Marie]

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