Best Money Tips: How to Make People Like You


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on how to make people like you, 10 ways to save money now, and making extra money with yard sales.

Top 5 Articles

How To Make People Like You — Want people to like you? Try to be of help whenever possible. [Mystic Madness]

10 Ways to Save Money NOW — Save money now by buying items at the right time. [Savings Scoop]

Make Extra Money with Yard Sales — To be successful at making money with a yard sale, use common sense pricing. [Debt Free Adventure]

5 Ways Going To a Conference Can Really Pay Off — Going to conferences can pay off because expenses you incur related to the conference are tax deductible. [Careful Cents]

Make or Save Money By Reusing Old Clothes — Reuse old clothing by making patches or shopping bags. [Frugal Dad]

Other Essential Reading

How To Have A Toddler-Friendly Halloween — Make your Halloween toddler-friendly by reading Halloween books. [Parenting Squad]

5 Ways to Earn Income in Retirement — Want to make money in retirement? Try teaching classes! [FiGuide]

6 Things to Think About When Making Your Will — When making your will, be sure to think about making changes to it should major life events occur. [Senior Money Memos]

What a Good Credit Score Gets You — Did you know that a good credit score can get you job opportunities? [Cash The Checks]

5 Quick Ways to Deal With the Confusion and Conflict Within You — If you are feeling confused and conflicted, learn how to accept those feelings. [Dumb Little Man]

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Guest's picture

This is a great roundup. Thanks for including my article!

Ashley Jacobs's picture

You are welcome Carrie! :)

Guest's picture

Nice collection, "How To Make People Like You" and "10 Ways to Save Money NOW" are my favorites. The articles touched the issue like no other.

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