Best Money Tips: How to Master Make-Ahead Meals


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found helpful articles on how to master make-ahead meals, unexpected tips to prepare for any interview, and financial mistakes that newly single people make.

Top 5 Articles

How to Master Make-Ahead Meals — Make sauces and bases that can be used in different dishes. [Living Well Spending Less]

3 unexpected tips to prepare for any interview — Instead of focusing on yourself, put yourself in your interviewer's shows. What would they be looking for in a new hire? [I Will Teach You To Be Rich]

Six financial mistakes newly single people make — The end of a relationship is a very emotional time, and some people avoid dealing with the emotions by making big changes in their life. But experts say that it's best to wait 6-12 months after the end of a relationship before making any major decisions. [The Monitor]

Women & Money: Building Wealth & Banishing Fear — Join Experian's #CreditChat tomorrow at 3 p.m. ET for a discussion about money issues unique to women. [Experian]

11 Ways to Make Your Yard Sale a Success — Set up lots of tables to make it easier for potential customers to check out your items. [A Few Short Cuts]

Other Essential Reading

How to Make Tax Time Educational for Kids — Here's a great opportunity to teach your kids about math, government, history, and life skills like budgeting, organization, and responsibility. [Parenting Squad]

25 of the World's Top Travel Destinations — It's no surprise to find London and Rome on this list, but did you know that Marrakech, Morocco and Hanoi, Vietnam are also top-rated travel destinations? [PopSugar Smart Living]

The Simplest Ways to Guarantee The IRS Audits You This Year — Being generous is not a bad thing…unless you donate more than 3% of your income. The IRS is more likely to think you've over-stated your donations and may audit you. [SheBudgets]

5 Ways to Save Money When Heading to College — Keep those grades up! There are many grants and scholarships available for students who are already in college. [Grad Money Matters]

20 Unique Business Ideas That You Can Start Today — Are you pretty tech-savvy? You can provide support for small businesses or website owners who can't afford a full-time IT department. [PT Money]

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