Best Money Tips: How to Negotiate Your Salary


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on how to negotiate your salary, what you need to know about down payments, and eating healthy on the road for less.

Top 5 Articles

How to Negotiate Your Salary — When negotiating your salary, be sure to do your homework. [Five Cent Nickel]

Down Payments: What You Need to Know — If you are making a down payment, be sure you know under what circumstances you would be able to get your money back. [LearnVest]

Eating Healthy on the Road For Less — Eat healthy on the road by raiding your hotel breakfast bar. [MintLife Blog]

How to Set-Up Financial Goals — When setting up a financial goal, make sure to plan how you will meet your goal. [Green Panda Treehouse]

Being Frugal: Wacky but Useful Tips — Be frugal by reusing everyday items in your home. [Moola Days]

Other Essential Reading

The Cheapest Airlines to Fly Your Pet On — If you are flying with your pet, consider using Southwest or JetBlue. [SavvySugar]

Cystic Fibrosis: Do You Know the Symptoms? — Does your child have a persistent cough? He or she may have cystic fibrosis. [Parenting Squad]

What Makes A Good Savings Account For Short Term Savings — A good savings account does not require a minimum deposit. [The Digerati Life]

How to Plan a Wedding: 8 Ways to Get Affordable But Amazing Wedding Photographs — Get cheap professional wedding photographs by hiring a photographer who is newer to the business. [Rock N Roll Bride]

Make a DIY Laptop Sleeve Out of a Pillowcase — Don't spend money on a laptop case. Instead, use a pillowcase to make a sleeve for your laptop! [Lifehacker]

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