Best Money Tips: How to Save on Banking Fees


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on saving on banking fees, decluttering your kitchen, and time management rules you are breaking.

Top 5 Articles

How to Save on Banking Fees — Limit your debits and ask for cash back when shopping to save on banking fees. [Financial Highway]

De-Clutter Your Kitchen: 10 Tips For Maximizing Cooking Space — To maximize your cooking space, keep essentials in a cubby. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Beware: 10 Time Management Rules That You Are Breaking — Do you schedule back-to-back meetings? If so, you are breaking a time management rule! [Time Management Ninja]

5 Tests To Claim a Dependent on Your Tax Return — Before you claim a dependent on your tax return, run the gross income test and the citizen/residency test. [Good Financial Cents]

3 Must Have Career Fair Tips For Hungry Job-Seekers — When attending a career fair, make sure you have a smart introduction. [Girls Just Wanna Have Funds]

Other Essential Reading

Can 5 Money Fights a Year Solidify Your Relationship and Finances? — Did you know that 43% of newlyweds don't follow a family budget? [MainStreet]

Yard Sale Presentation — If you want to have a successful yard sale, test and repair items before your sale. []

7 Traits of a Highly Effective Mindset — To have a highly effective mindset, accept and embrace great challenges. [Marc and Angel Hack Life]

5 Tips to Spice Up Your Life with an Exciting Passion — When spicing up your life with an exciting passion, try any new activities at least a couple times. [Dumb Little Man]

How to Get (and Keep) Your House Clean When You Have Kids — Get and keep your house clean when you have kids by bringing in a mother's helper. [Parenting Squad]

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Ray Jamali's picture

Thanks for include us in the round up, honoured to be included!

Ashley Jacobs's picture

Happy to include you!

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