Best Money Tips: How to Stop Overspending With Friends


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on how to stop overspending with friends, what you need to know about crowdfunded real estate, and ways to set a realistic budget for your household.

Top 5 Articles

A Helpful Guide to Stop Overspending With Friends — You don't have to go broke to maintain a social life. It just takes some intentional decisions to keep your friends and your money. [Becoming Minimalist]

8 Reasons Why Crowdfunded Real Estate is the Future of Real Estate Investing — Crowdfunded real estate investing platforms are changing the way people are investing in real estate. [Wallet Hacks]

6 Ways To Set A Realistic Budget For Your Household — Your billing due dates are not ironclad. If you're having trouble juggling your payments, consider shifting the billing cycles so that they work better for you. [Frugal Wiz]

A Quick Start Guide to Foraging — Foraging can be an immensely rewarding way to spend time outdoors. Here's quick guide to help you start looking for edible and medicinal plants in your local forests and fields. [Little House Living]

12 Things You Should Know Before Traveling Across the Country on Amtrak — Get all the details on what it's like to sleep, eat, and basically live in an Amtrak train while traveling across America. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Other Essential Reading

How To Build Habits Like An Entrepreneur — The principles that many entrepreneurs use to build great companies can help you build everyday habits. [Break The Twitch]

The Benefits of Finding “You” Time — Not only should you say "no" to things more often, you should use that time to do something for yourself. [No Sidebar]

The Lie That Perfectionists Tell Themselves — Some perfectionist principles can actually lower the quality or impact of your work. [Harvard Business Review]

California ruling will cause 'seismic shift' in gig economy — A California Supreme Court ruling adopted a broad definition for those who qualify as employees in a lawsuit likely to expand the number of workers eligible for benefits under state wage laws. [The Christian Science Monitor]

Honoring Mom: The Best Financial Advice Mom Gave Us — Join Experian's #CreditChat tomorrow at 3 p.m. ET for a discussion on how moms shape the way we manage money as adults. [Experian]

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