Best Money Tips: Ideas For Your Income Tax Refund


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some stellar articles on ideas for your income tax refund, learning from the rich, and reusing dryer sheets.

Top 5 Articles

25 Ideas For Your Income Tax Refund — If you are getting a tax refund this year, use it to start a small business or take your spouse out on a date. [Free From Broke]

Learning from the Rich: 4 Traits You Should Emulate — Learn a lesson from the rich and emulate their opportunistic mindset. [Money Ning]

6 Ways to Reuse Your Dryer Sheets — Did you know your dryer sheets can remove pet and human hair from clothing and furniture? [PopSugar Smart Living]

7 Ways to Know You've Got Too Much Debt — Chances are you've got too much debt if your savings account is empty. [Young and Thrifty]

Big 401k Mistakes — Don't make the mistake of taking a loan out of your 401k account. [Free Money Finance]

Other Essential Reading

5 Crazy Ways People Waste Money — Buying name brand medications and getting an oil change every 3000 miles are just a couple crazy ways people waste money. [Sweating The Big Stuff]

13 Big Myths About Tech — More bars doesn't always mean better service and newer isn't always better. [MainStreet]

Things I'd Tell My 20 Year Old Self — If you are renting an apartment at the age of 20, it's OK! Just remember to start contributing to a 401(k). [Budgets Are Sexy]

Need Extra Cash? Find It At Home -- Do you need extra cash? Look for unused gift cards and loose change around your home. [Bargain Babe]

Are We Raising Justin Biebers? — Avoid raising a "Justin Bieber" by reading history with your children. [Parenting Squad]

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Guest's picture

A tax return is the form one sends in.
Two headlines here read factually incorrect and should respectively be:

"Ideas For Your Income Tax Refund" (not Return)


"25 Ideas For Your Income Tax Refund" (not Return)

Amy Lu's picture
Amy Lu

Thanks for pointing that out, suzemagoo! The mistakes have been corrected accordingly. =)

Guest's picture
Mike Hardin

Your RETURN is the collected forms you file, either via mail or electronically. I'm sure the article refers to ideas for your REFUND. Sorry to be a vocabulary Nazi. This one is one of my pet peeves.

Amy Lu's picture
Amy Lu

You're very right, Mike! We DO mean tax refund, and we've corrected the article accordingly. Thanks for pointing it out!

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