Best Money Tips: Income Ideas for Seniors


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some fantastic articles on income ideas for seniors, frugal gifts for Mother's Day, and signs it's time to look for a new job.

Top 5 Articles

21 Income Ideas for Senior and Retired Persons — To make some extra income, seniors and retired persons can register with temporary employment agencies. [One Cent At A Time]

Frugal Gifts For Mother's Day — This Mother's Day, consider giving your mom a mix cd or homemade photo coasters. [Bargain Babe]

5 Signs It's Time to Look for a New Job — It may be time to look for a new job if you have no hope of advancement. [Financial Highway]

8 Scientifically Proven Principles of Happiness — Buying experiences instead of things and thinking about what you aren't thinking about can help make you happy. [Consumerism Commentary]

The Frugal Child's Birthday — It is possible for your child to have a cheap but fun birthday party. Consider buying some inexpensive water guns and having a water gun party! [The Simple Dollar]

Other Essential Reading

10 Extraordinary Uses For Ordinary Club Soda — Did you know club soda can be used to remove rust? [PopSugar Smart Living]

What can You do if You can't Keep up with the Rent? — If you can't make the rent for the month, ask your landlord for an extension or ask for an advance on your paycheck. [Free Money Wisdom]

19 Loving Gifts of Service for Mom — If you need something to do for your mom this Mother's Day, prepare dinner or schedule a spa day for her. [Parenting Squad]

Preventing Summer Crime — To prevent summer crime, put your lights on timers or get a "Beware of Dog" sign. [The Dollar Stretcher]

Our Communication and Entertainment Changes — It is often best for your wallet to go with bundled services. [Free Money Finance]

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Ray Jamali's picture

Always an honor to be included in this list!

Ashley Jacobs's picture

Happy to include you!

Guest's picture

Thanks for including my post as the top post

Ashley Jacobs's picture

You are welcome!

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