Best Money Tips: Last-Minute Gifts You Can Buy at the Grocery Store


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on last minute gifts you can buy at the grocery store, stuffing an epic stocking, and what to do with a holiday bonus.

Top 5 Articles

Last-Minute Gifts You Can Buy at the Grocery Store — Still haven't finished your holiday shopping? Head to the grocery store and pick up some wine! [SavvySugar]

120 Ideas to Stuff an Epic Stocking — To stuff an epic stocking, make it personal and realize less is more. [Money Talks News]

You Got a Holiday Bonus-Now What? — If you got a holiday bonus, use it to build an emergency fund. [Credit Sesame]

Your Year-End Financial To-Do List — As 2012 draws to a close, remember to clean out your flexible spending account. [Kiplinger]

Selective Memory and Your Wallet — Make sure selective memory doesn't negatively impact your wallet by keeping a money diary. [The Simple Dollar]

Other Essential Reading

3 Money-Saving Auto Tips You've Never Heard — Save money on your car by replacing your oxygen sensors before they wear out. [MSN Money]

6 Ways to Increase Your Tips as a Waiter, Waitress or Server — To increase your tips if you are a waiter, waitress, or server, squat down to be at or below eye level with your customers. [Bargaineering]

Most Soon-to-Be Retirees Don't Have Enough Saved — Did you know the median retirement savings for households near retirement is only $120,000? [Free Money Finance]

5 Ways to Save Money During a Divorce — If you are getting a divorce, save money on it by opting for a flat-fee divorce. [TheStreet]

6 Holiday Safety Hazards: How to Keep Kids Safe This Season — Keep small items out of the reach of young children to prevent choking hazards this holiday season. [Parenting Squad]

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