Best Money Tips: Live a Fulfilling Life in Retirement


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on living a fulfilling life in retirement, starting an eBay business, and taking a year off in your 20s.

Top 5 Articles

4 Ways to Live a Fulfilling Life in Retirement — To live a fulfilling life in retirement, find ways to help others. [How's Married Life?]

Starting an Ebay Business: A Step-by-Step Guide — When starting an eBay business, don't forget to test your eBay market and take good photos of your items. [Christian PF]

Should You Take a Year Off in Your 20s? — It probably isn't the best idea to take a year off in your 20s, but if you do decide to take a year off, consider picking up new skills. [Retire By 40]

Should I Live in a Managed Community or Rent from a Landlord? — Renting from a landlord enables you to negotiate, which is more difficult to do when living in managed communities. [Lifehacker]

How to Buy Stocks — If you want to buy stocks, you must start by opening a trading account. [Generation X Finance]

Other Essential Reading

How to Wash and Naturally Whiten Dingy Pillows — To wash and whiten your dingy pillows, you'll need hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, detergent, and laundry booster. [PopSugar Smart Living]

9 Rules to Fight Toy Overload — Avoid having toy overload by only giving your children new toys on their birthdays or on holidays. [Parenting Squad]

5 Unique Ways to Forgive and Let Go — If you want to forgive and let go, seek positive revenge by living well. [Marc and Angel Hack Life]

STOP! Before Packing Up Your Home Use These Stress Reducing Techniques To Employ When Moving — Before you start packing for a move, remember to throw away things you will have to replace soon. [Dumb Little Man]

10 Shockingly Sugary 'Health' Cereals — You probably didn't know Raisin Bran is loaded with more sugar than a few of the most popular children's cereals. []

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