Best Money Tips: Maximize a Hobby and Earn Extra Income


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on maximizing a hobby to earn extra income, how to improve your credit score, and 45 ways to save money.

Top 5 Articles

How To Maximize a Hobby and Earn Extra Income — Maximize your hobby and earn some extra money with it by learning everything there is to know about your hobby. [Careful Cents]

How to Improve Your Credit Score Enough to Qualify for Rock-Bottom Mortgage Rates — To improve your credit score enough to qualify for low mortgage rates, pay off your cards that have small balances. [Credit Sesame]

45 Ways to Save Money — To save money today, make your own laundry detergent and drink water from the tap. [Financial Highway]

8 Bad Financial Habits You Should Drop — Drop your bad financial habit of doing your own taxes. [American Express OPEN Forum]

Staying Focused On Your Savings Goals — Stay focused on your savings goals by measuring your savings progress each month. [Not Made Of Money]

Other Essential Reading

6 Tips For Enhanced Communication In Your Relationships — Have better communication in your relationships by discussing your feelings in a productive way. [Parenting Squad]

4 First Date Tips For Singles On A Budget — Are you going on a date but don't have a ton of money to spend? Consider going to lunch instead of dinner! [DollarVersity]

The 5 Steps To Becoming Rich — If you want to become rich, consider investing your money! [Cash The Checks]

12 Things Happy People Do Differently — One of the things happy people do differently from others is learning the ability to forgive. [Marc and Angel Hack Life]

15 Secrets to Success — To be more successful, don't delay having fun. [Life Optimizer]

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Ray Jamali's picture

Awesome list! Honored to be included!

Guest's picture

This is a great list, thank you for including me!

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