Best Money Tips: Money Moves to Make on Black Friday


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on money moves to make on Black Friday, when to replace common household items, and foods that can change your brain.

Top 5 Articles

Four Money Moves To Make On Black Friday — Get social! Follow your favorite retailers on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest news on the best deals. [Smart Money Moves]

When to replace these eight common household items — Depending on the kind of spice and how you store them, you should replace spices every 1-4 years. [The Monitor]

9 Foods That Can Change Your Brain — Walnuts contribute to healthier brains and improved memory functions. [Pick The Brain]

21 Financial Mistakes That Endanger Gen Xers’ Future — Don't get your financial advice from popular media. Such general advice may not be suitable for your situation. [Good Financial Cents]

5 Ways to Spend Less Time in the Kitchen This Thanksgiving — Whole produce tends to be less expensive than pre-cut veggies, but when time is at a premium, it may be worth it to splurge a little here. [Parenting Squad]

Other Essential Reading

How to Lend a Hand When You're on a Tight Budget — If you need to buy gifts anyway, shop from the online store of a charity you want to support. [ReadyForZero]

Use This Extreme Battery Tip to Save Your Battery Life — Using WiFi calling combined with airplane mode will help you conserve the battery on your smartphone. [Thad Thoughts]

7 Insurance Policies You Can Live Without — There's no need to get extended warranties on products. You're likely already protected by the manufacturer's warranty or your credit card company. [PopSugar Smart Living]

3 Ways to Increase Your Cash Flow at Work — Find out if your employer offers these tax-saving opportunities! [DailyWorth]

States That Don’t Tax Social Security Benefits — If Social Security is your main source of income, it may be a good idea to retire in one of these 37 states that don't tax Social Security benefits. [Financial Samurai]

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