Best Money Tips: Money-Saving Tips for April


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found helpful articles on ways to save money in April, bad habits that rob you blind, and budget-friendly ways to improve your health.

Top 5 Articles

How to Save Money in April — Keep an eye out for yard sales in your area. It's spring cleaning season, which means you'll find lots of used items at next-to-nothing prices. [Parenting Squad]

How to Quit 10 Bad Money Habits That Rob You Blind — Going shopping while you're bored, whether at home or in person, is a terrible habit. To quit this habit, try implementing a shopping fast, removing your name (or email) from retailers' lists, or hanging with friends whose idea of a good time isn't compulsive shopping. [Money Talks News]

Great Budget-Friendly Ways to Invest in Great Health — The chemicals in a lot of cleaning and skincare products can be hazardous to your long-term health. Use more natural alternatives — you can even make your own! [Money Bulldog]

Thinking about buying an Apple Watch? There's a cheaper alternative out there — The Pebble Time has a rich set of features and available apps, and it's almost $200 cheaper than the Apple Watch. [The Monitor]

Love Playing the Lottery? Here Are 12 Facts That May Surprise You — Many financial advisers encourage winners to wait and weigh their options before claiming a the money. Since the average time a person has to claim a ticket is 6 months to a year, it doesn't hurt to think about it first. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Other Essential Reading

5 Ways to Save Money on Shaving – Don't let your razor blades stay wet, as that will corrode and make the dull. Clean your blades and blow dry until all moisture is gone or wipe it down with a towel. []

How To Be a Better Listener — You can be a better listener by learning about the process involved in listening and knowing the different types and styles of listening. [Sources of Insight]

How to Create a Productive Work Environment — If you work area has windows, consider opening one or two on a regular basis. If not, go outside for a walk during your break to get your daily dose of fresh air. It'll do wonders for a groggy mind! [The Order Expert]

Tips For Couponing At Kroger — You can load digital coupons to your store rewards card, which helps you save time and paper. [Bargain Briana]

4 Ways to Increase Daily Productivity (Without Working Any Harder) — If your work is mostly online, slow Internet speeds can really bog you down. It might be worth it to spend a little more on faster Internet. []

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