Best Money Tips: Never Cheap Out on These Things


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on things you should never cheap out on, ways to eliminate financial clutter, and how to protect yourself from unhealthy air.

Top 5 Articles

Three things you should never cheap out on — A cheap sofa will last you about five years, but a well-made sofa  that costs $1,000 to $2,000 may last as long as 25 years.  [The Monitor]

22 Ways to Eliminate Financial Clutter — Shred and toss duplicate copies of bills and statements. If you have an electronic copy, you don't need it on paper too. [My Dollar Plan]

10 Tips That Will Help Protect You From Unhealthy Air — Pay attention to pollution levels in your area. Avoid exercising or playing outdoors when air quality is poor. []

Emotional Spending: How to Deal (And Prevent) Retail Therapy — Sometimes, we mistakenly believe that spending money will fulfill an emotional need. Join Experian's #CreditChat tomorrow at 3 p.m. ET for a discussion on the dangers of retail therapy and how to prevent it. [Experian]

9 Costly Interview Mistakes That Can Lose You the Job Offer — There is such a thing as being too perfect and polished at an interview. Don't be afraid to show your personality. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Other Essential Reading

The Simplest Ways to Stage Your Home at No Cost — Too much color can be overwhelming, especially on walls. Paint your walls a neutral color and use color in your pillows, throws, and décor. [SheBudgets]

Make a Done List to Drive Your Productivity — A "done" list tracks what you've accomplished and can motivate you to do more. [Time Management Ninja]

15 Business Lessons You Didn’t Learn in School (But Should Learn Now!) — You started the business, but it isn't all about you anymore. Remember that your decisions affect your team as well. [Due]

10 “Bad” Money Habits and How to Get Rid of Them — It's easy to spend money mindlessly, but if you want to stay on top of your finances, you need to make a habit of tracking every expense. [The Savvy Scot]

How to Plan Your Finances for Your Dream Career — Life happens, and you may need to adjust your career and financial goals as your personal situation changes. The more you can save, the easier it'll be to accommodate any change in your plans. [My BankTracker]

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