Best Money Tips: Pantry Staples for Any Meal


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on pantry staples for any meal, misconceptions about happiness, and ways to stop emotional spending for good.

Top 5 Articles

Don't Get Stuck Without the Basics: 10 Pantry Staples to Start Any Meal — Canned tuna is inexpensive, packed with protein, and you can use it in anything from salads to sandwiches to casseroles! [Money Talks News]

The 4 Major Misconceptions About Happiness — Happiness isn't a just passing emotion; it's more like a lifestyle or a point of view. [Essential You]

5 Worthwhile Methods to Stop Emotional Spending for Good — Find out what your triggers are. Keeping a journal is an easy way to record what you're feeling each day. [My Bank Tracker]

4 Steps to End Your "I Don't Feel Like It" Syndrome Forever — If it seems like you're low on energy and motivation, get up and move. Take a walk around the block, climb some stairs, or just do handstands! [Prolific Living]

11 Alternative Uses for Cookie Cutters — Fry up some fun and tasty potato chips by using cookie cutters on the potato slices. [Parenting Squad]

Other Essential Reading

Striving for Early Retirement May Silently Kill You — It takes a lot of work and effort to reach early retirement, and all the stress may seriously damage your health. [Untemplater]

10 Ways to Save on Wedding Reception Food — If there's a culinary school near your reception venue, they may offer catering or private event hosting at much lower prices. [PopSugar Smart Living]

The 6 + 1 System For Financial Stability — The 6 + 1 System helps you prioritize your financial goals so you can accomplish them as quickly as possible. [Money Under 30]

Protect Yourself Against Tax Scammers With These Tips — If you're mailing in your tax return, drop it off directly at the post office. [Quizzle Wire]

11 Garage Sale Tips to Help You Successfully Sell Everything — Team up with your neighbors to hold a bigger sale. The spectacle will draw people in and get the cash flowing! [Money Pantry]

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Guest's picture

My new panty staple is vegenaise! It tastes better than mayonnaise, healthier, and cost about the same.

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