Best Money Tips: Parenting Products to Buy Used


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on parenting products to buy used, making a small space seem bigger, and the cheapest 2013 car models to insure.

Top 5 Articles

Parenting Products to Buy Used (and What to Skip) — It is ok to buy changing tables or other baby furniture (with the exception of cribs) used. [Credit Sesame]

11 Ideas To Make A Small Space Seem Bigger — Translucent is the way to go if you want to make a small space seem bigger. [SavvySugar]

10 Cheapest 2013 Car Models to Insure — The Ford Edge SE is the cheapest 2013 car model to insure. [Kiplinger]

How to Reduce the Costs of Your Child's Extracurricular Activities — To reduce the costs of your child's extracurricular activities, prioritize their activities. [MoneyNing]

When the 'do not call' list doesn't work — If you are on the 'do not call list' and it doesn't seem to be working, it may be because the 'do not call' list doesn't applie to legitimate charities. [Living on the Cheap]

Other Essential Reading

What's for Dinner? 5 Menu-Planning Sites to Consider — Trying to figure out what to make for dinner? Check out Pepperplate or Plan to Eat. [Money Talks News]

When Should You Buy in Bulk? — Cell phone minutes are a good thing to buy in bulk. [Bargaineering]

Shopping at 'curb mart' — When you are out and about, keep your eyes peeled for items people leave on curbs, by dumpsters, or even money on the ground! [MSN Money]

Unplugged: 6 Good Reasons to Disconnect from Technology — Disconnect from your technology because it's bad manners not to if you are in the presence of others. [Parenting Squad]

How Much Umbrella Insurance Do You Need? — Make sure you have enough umbrella insurance to give yourself peace of mind. [Free Money Finance]

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On using Pepperplate, if you have a mobile iOS device — the “add to Pepperplate” bookmarklet works just fine. First add a bookmark, then go back and edit it and drop-in the javascript. Then whenever you see a recipe that you want to save to Pepperplate, just click on the bookmark in your Safari browser.

A step-by-step tutorial for Pepperplate:

/** Fix admin settings safe to ignore showing on unauthenticated user **/