Best Money Tips: Quick Ways to Save for a Trip


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles to help you quickly save money for a trip, avoid overspending traps, and form good money habits that stick.

Top 5 Articles

Need Quick Cash for a Trip? 11 Easy Ways to Save — Cash in your cash back rewards and put it towards your vacation fund. [PopSugar Smart Living]

5 Overspending Traps to Watch Out For — We tend to spend more money when we use credit at checkout. To avoid overspending, set hard limits for credit card purchases and don't go over it! [iMoney]

How to Form Good Money Habits That Stick — Break down your big financial goal into smaller, more manageable steps. [Bible Money Matters]

How to Save Money on Your Thanksgiving Dinner — Keep your recipes simple, using as few ingredients as possible. Better yet, go for recipes that use staple ingredients you already have. [Parenting Squad]

7 Simple Ways to Winterize Your Home and Save on Winter Heating Costs — Use heavy window curtains to block drafts coming into your home at night. [Credit Sesame]

Other Essential Reading

Shopping on Black Friday — If you love chaos and will be shopping at a brick-and-mortar store on Black Friday, know exactly what you want to buy before you get there. This is no time for a leisurely stroll! [Listen Money Matters]

21 Dos and Don'ts to Improve Your Email — State the question or call-to-action in the first line of your email to improve responses. [Time Management Ninja]

How to Fight Sitting-Induced Stress — If you must sit while you work, use an active desk chair to engage your muscles while you work. [Ridiculously Efficient]

9 Negative Thoughts That Push People Away From You — If you think others have it easier than you, you're probably wrong. We're all fighting our own private battles. Why put up another barrier between yourself and others? [Marc and Angel Hack Life]

Savvy Ways to Manage Your Mortgage — Periodically check your mortgage rates during the loan turn and reassess your finances as necessary. [Financially Poor]

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