Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on how to rent your spare room, saving and spending habits to adopt today, and how to prepare for an emergency.
A Complete Guide to Renting a Room for Extra Money — Before you rent out your extra room to someone, interview the potential tenants and run background checks on them. [Making Sense of Cents]
4 Saving and Spending Habits to Adopt Today — Starting today, save money by not making impulse purchases. [Money Hacks For Freelancers]
How to Prepare for an Emergency — Be prepared for an emergency by creating an emergency file of cash, contact information, insurance policies, and tax records. [Kiplinger]
The Biggest 401k Mistakes You Can Make — Don't make the mistake of borrowing money from your 401k. [Thousandaire]
9 Things Successful People Do Differently — Be a successful person by focusing on what you will do instead of what you won't do. [Huffington Post]
Inexpensive Spring Break Ideas For Your Family — This spring break, consider doing a little redecorating instead of going on an expensive vacation. [Not Made Of Money]
Surviving and Thriving on an Extended Car Trip with Your Kids — If you are going on an extended car trip with your kids, be sure to bring bribes. [Parenting Squad]
The Five Fundamentals to Chasing Dreams — When you are chasing your dreams, be sure to meet new people. Success is often based on who you know or how many people you know. [Our Best Vision]
The 10 Commandments of the At-Home Dinner Date — If you are having an at-home dinner date, be sure to have a backup plan just incase you burn your entree. [The Art of Manliness]
3 Ways the Office Is Making You Sicker — If you are stressed out about work, you are more likely to get sick. [SmartMoney]
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