Best Money Tips: Safety Tips for Natural Disasters


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on safety tips for natural disasters, weird places to find coupons, and effective steps to overcome frustration.

Top 5 Articles

Safety Tips for Natural Disasters: A Quick Guide On How To Secure Your Property — Natural disasters can happen at any time. Protect your loved ones and your property by following these safety tips for different kinds of severe weather. [Dumb Little Man]

21 Weird Places to Find Coupons (#1 Is so Obvious That You Miss It!) — Coupons are one of the best ways to save money, partly because they're so easy to find — including in some really weird places! [Money Pantry]

How to Overcome Frustration: 3 Simple but Effective Steps — Frustration can wind you up into circles, make you mad, and cause you to waste most of your day. Take these steps to turn your frustrations around, into something positive. [The Positivity Blog]

16 Printable Goal Sheets to Help You Stay on Track This Year — It can be difficult to stay on track with your goals. Put your goals down on paper and hold yourself accountable with these printable sheets. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Raising a Kid Costs How Much? Ways to Whittle Down the Costs of Parenthood — Raising a kid can be expensive, but there are ways to keep costs down at every age group. [The Simple Dollar]

Other Essential Reading

How to Win Your Spouse Over When They Hate the Budget — There might be a few reasons why your spouse is not on board with your budget. Learn how to address three common issues so you can build a budget you both love. [Couple Money]

False missile alert raises questions about preparedness — The erroneous warning sent Hawaii into a panic and left citizens skeptical about the government's ability to keep them informed in a real emergency. [The Christian Science Monitor]

How to Save for College While Your Kid is in High School — Many people start saving for their kids' college while their little ones are still in diapers. If you haven't gotten around to it and they're already in high school, know that there's still time to set aside a substantial amount for their education. [Money Q&A]

5 Ways to Become a Successful Entrepreneur Through Skill Development — One way to keep your business above the others in your industry is to develop your own skills. [MoneyMiniBlog]

Organize your medicine chest — Most medicine cabinets don't give you a lot of room to work with, but these nifty organizing hacks will help you keep things neat and accessible. [Unclutterer]

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