Best Money Tips: Save Money Raising a Kid


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save money raising a kid, must-have millionaire habits, and ways football fans can save money.

Top 5 Articles

9 Ways to Save Money Raising a Kid — Save money when raising a kid by opting for public school. [Saving Money Today]

6 Must-Have Millionaire Habits — Follow the lead of millionaires and develop the habit of looking for value. [SavvySugar]

8 Ways Football Fans Can Save Money — Save money on parking when attending a football game by parking somewhere free and walking to the stadium. [Money Smart Life]

How You Can Avoid The New Debit Card Fees — Want to avoid the new debit card fees? Try to use cash as much as possible. [The Wisdom Journal]

5 Incredibly Stupid Things Consumers Do Online — When making a purchase online, don't be stupid and click refresh after you've clicked the buy button. You may end up making your purchase twice. [MintLife Blog]

Other Essential Reading

6 Ways to Get Away This Autumn — Want to get away this autumn? Consider pitching a tent and going camping. [Currency]

5 Game-Changing Business Models To Learn From — Learn a lesson from unsexy can actually be very profitable. [American Express OPEN Forum]

6 Ways to Promote Healthy Eating at Your Childcare Facility — To promote healthy eating at your childcare facility, try working with other like-minded parents. [Parenting Squad]

7 Foods That Can Survive Outside the Fridge — Bread survives better outside the fridge than it does in it. By putting your bread in the fridge, you make it go stale faster. [Mainstreet]

25 Ways to Be More Active — Are you trying to be more active? Think about getting a dog or riding your bike to work. [Life Optimizer]

News & Events

The Carnival of Financial Camaraderie — On Saturday, be sure to check out the Carnival of Financial Camaraderie, courtesy of My University Money.

The Consumerism Commentary Podcast — On Sunday, don't miss The Consumerism Commentary Podcast!

Be sure to check out our News & Events Calendar to see all the awesome upcoming events in the personal finance world!

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Guest's picture

I've got some reading to do this weekend! Thanks for the great list Ashley. :)

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