Best Money Tips: Save Money When Buying Things You Need


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on how to save money when buying things you need, decorating a small apartment on a dime, and when to teach kids about money.

Top 5 Articles

How To Save Money When Buying Things You Need — Save money when buying things you need by considering buying second hand. [Ready To Be Rich]

5 Ideas to Decorate a Small Apartment on a Dime — Decorate a small apartment on the cheap by layering fabrics, patterns, or textures. [SavvySugar]

At What Age Should You Teach Kids About Money? — Start teaching your kids about money as soon as they are old enough to start wanting things. [Not Made Of Money]

Why Debt is a Good Thing — Debt can be a good thing because it teaches you not to overspend and to always have a backup plan. [The Financial Blogger]

3 Steps to Getting Your Finances on Track after an Emergency — To get your finances on track after an emergency, modify your budget. [Money Hacks for Freelancers]

Other Essential Reading

The Cures for Summer: Natural Bite, Sting, and Sunburn Remedies — Next time you get a sunburn, be sure to put aloe gel on it. [Currency]

13 Business Leaders Who Failed Before They Succeeded — Before Bill Gates made it big, he dropped out of Harvard. [American Express OPEN Forum]

21 Fun Things To Do Before School Starts — Before school starts, spend an entire day in bed. [Parenting Squad]

Increasing Your Insurance Deductible to Save You Money — Increasing your insurance deductible can save you money, but be sure to consider the risk if you are financially unprepared. [Moolanomy]

Three Reasons Why Anger is Your Friend — Anger can give you the energy to confront a threat. [Stepcase Lifehack]

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