Best Money Tips: Saving Time and Reducing Stress


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some stellar articles on saving time and reducing stress, how to do the right tasks in the right order, and the biggest tax audit triggers.

Top 5 Articles

The 5 Commandments for Saving Time and Reducing Stress — If you want to save time and reduce stress, organize and balance your time. [Dumb Little Man]

How to Do the Right Tasks in the Right Order — Prioritizing and doing your work first can help you do the right tasks in the right order. [Time Management Ninja]

Biggest Tax Audit Triggers — Did you know foreign accounts can be a big tax audit trigger? [MainStreet]

43 Life Lessons that Kids Teach Us — Kids teach us to live fully and laugh. [PopSugar Smart Living]

3 Shocking Benefits of Negative Thinking — Negative thinking can cause you to have more accurate risk assessment. [Lifehack]

Other Essential Reading

What is Medical Tourism . . . and Why is it Becoming Popular? — Medical tourism is when people travel to a different country to get cheaper rates on healthcare procedures. [Christian PF]

6 Tips to Avoid DIY Dinner Disasters — To avoid DIY dinner disasters, compare recipes and pay attention to details. [MintLife]

40 Amazing Things You Will Never Forget — Designing your own life in your own way is something amazing you will never forget. [Marc and Angel Hack Life]

How to Plan Freezer Meal Workshop — When planning a freezer meal workshop, make a list of 10 meals. [Parenting Squad]

What Do I Do When Someone Has a Domain Name I Want? — If someone has a domain name you want, find out who owns the domain name. [Lifehacker]

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