Best Money Tips: Saving Tips For New Parents


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on saving tips for new parents, what to ask your job interviewer, and how to choose a college.

Top 5 Articles

Saving Tips For New Parents: Get Ready For Baby! — One of the best ways to save money when it comes to getting ready for a baby is to comparison shop. [The Digerati Life]

Ask Your Job Interviewer This, Not That — When you go to a job interview, be sure to ask the interviewer what your average day would be like. [SavvySugar]

5 Factors to Picking the Perfect College — When selecting a college, be sure to consider its location and size. [SmartAsset]

Seven Powerful Meditation and Focusing Techniques — To focus better, work in bursts. [The Simple Dollar]

How To Have A Lavish Lifestyle Without Breaking The Bank — Have a lavish lifestyle without breaking the bank by indulging in groceries. [Financial Highway]

Other Essential Reading

Pass Mommy's Juice: 11 Delicious Drinks for Hot Summer Days — On a hot day, enjoy some frozen margaritas. [Parenting Squad]

Tax Breaks for the Middle Class — One of the tax breaks the middle class gets is the American Opportunity Credit. [Kiplinger]

Get Approved for a Personal Loan — Are you trying to get a personal loan? Make sure to obtain a copy of all three of your credit scores and reports. [Thousandaire]

10 Tips on Hiring for Creativity — When hiring for creativity, be sure to ask the applicants what they are reading. [Inc.]

8 Reasons Renting a Vacation Home is Better than Buying — Renting a vacation home is better than buying one because you don't have to worry about maintenance or taxes. [Trees Full of Money]

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