Best Money Tips: Secrets to Saving Money at


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on saving money at, the best items to buy now, and how to get the best hotel deals.

Top 5 Articles

13 Secrets to Saving Money At — To save money at, buy used items and discounted gift cards. [Bargain Babe]

March Family Shopping Roundup: Best Items to Buy Now — Now is a good time to buy winter sports gear and garden supplies. [Parenting Squad]

How To Get The Best Hotel Deals — Get the best hotel deals by budgeting for amenities. [Forbes]

Should You Buy a 'Starter Home" or Wait? — If the price difference between your 'starter home' and your 'forever home' can be saved up in a year, you should wait on buying a home. [Money Under 30]

75 Reasons You're Unhappy (And 75 Solutions) — You may be unhappy if you are lazy or have no excitement in your life. [Dumb Little Man]

Other Essential Reading

Get your kid to graduate in 4 years — Get your kid to graduate in four years by having them pick a supportive school. [CNNMoney]

Cozy, Not Cluttered: Maximize Bedroom Space in 7 Simple Steps — To maximize bedroom space, invest in multifunctional pieces. [SavvySugar]

Handling a Relationship with a Coworker — Before you start a relationship with a coworker, check your company's policy on dating. [20's Finances]

8 Things You Should Fight For Every Day — Make it a point to fight for positive change every day. [Marc and Angel Hack Life]

10 Ways You're Wasting Other People's Time — If you are late or you don't answer messages, you are probably wasting other people's time. [Time Management Ninja]

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