Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on the secrets to the best deals at Costco, everyday products you should stop wasting money on, and free tools that help you save on online shopping.
25 Awesome Costco Shopping Secrets That Go Way Beyond Free Samples — Avoid shopping from the endcaps. The real deals are around the edges of the store and in the center. [PopSugar Smart Living]
6 Useless Everyday Products to Stop Wasting Money On — Buying bottled water has an enormous impact on the environment — and your wallet. [Money Q&A]
Save Money (on Everything!) When Shopping Online with These 5 Free Tools — These tools will help you save money at every stage of online shopping. [Money Pantry]
8 Career Moves to Make Before You Leave Your 20s — Diversify your experiences so you have a better idea of what kind of work you enjoy — and hate. [The Financial Blogger]
14 Fantastic Paper Decluttering Tips — If paper tends to clutter around you, keep notepads, sticky notes, and paper scraps away from your workspace. Take digital notes with your smartphone, tablet, or computer. [The Order Expert]
How To Use Evernote: 21 Creative Uses — Evernote is a great tool for organizing research. [SeedTime]
5 Ways to Create Your Own Work and Life Balance — Shoot for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. When you don't get enough sleep, your brain has a harder time making decisions, solving problems, controlling your emotions and coping with change. [Pick The Brain]
Keeping a Compliments Journal is the New Alternative to Gratitude Journaling — When you need a pick-me-up, this variation on the classic gratitude journal will remind you that you're loved, cared for, respected, and appreciated. [Dave Ursillo]
Six Tips for a Healthy Night’s Sleep — Write in a journal before bed. This habit gives you a chance to reflect on the good parts of the day and unwind from the stresses. [Common Cents Mom]
Despite Brexit, European economy shows signs of momentum — The European economy is bouncing back and the EU has plans to tackle big items on their agenda. [The Christian Science Monitor]
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