Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on shrinking your medical bills, building a fun fund, and saving money on makeup.
9 Secrets to Shrinking Your Medical Bills — Shrink your medical bills by getting a flu shot at your local health department. [SavvySugar]
Building a "Fun" Fund for Entertainment and Travel — Want to create a fun fund? Use income investments to fund your fun expenses! [Moolanomy]
How to Save Money on Makeup — To save money on makeup, always apply your cosmetics with a brush, not your fingers. [Money Ning]
Read These 12 Tips and Save on Halloween Costumes for Your Kids — Save money on Halloween costumes for your kids by finding one at your local thrift store or by reimagining a costume they already own. [Free From Broke]
How to Select Auto Insurance — When selecting auto insurance, make sure you look at the company's track record. [Bucksome Boomer]
How To Find And Attract Leads Using LinkedIn — Attract leads on LinkedIn by uploading a profile picture. [American Express OPEN Forum]
Amtrak: Riding the Rails with Kids — When riding Amtrak with kids, be sure to bring activities and snacks. [Parenting Squad]
3 Budget Items That You Should Evaluate Regularly — Make sure you evaluate your cable/television expenses on a regular basis. [Not Made Of Money]
Stop Telling Yourself These Three Financial Lies — Don't tell yourself the lie that you can't save or invest until a certain event happens. [Free Money Finance]
6 Quick Reasons High Deductible Health Insurance Rocks! — High deductible health insurance can rock because you may get lower premiums. [Thousandaire]
Best of Money Carnival #125: Hosted By Everything Finance — Be sure to check out the Best of Money Carnival at Everything Finance with some of the best finance articles from the last two weeks.
Carnival of Personal Finance #331: Hosted by Squirrelers — Don't miss the Carnival of Personal Finance hosted by Squirrelers featuring some of the most interesting and informative finance articles from bloggers around the web.
Carnival of Wealth — The Carnival of Wealth features some of the best articles from the previous week on topics related to wealth.
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