Best Money Tips: Simple Ways to Spread Happiness


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on simple ways to spread happiness, free ways to learn self-defense skills, and cleaning mistakes you didn’t realize you were making.

Top 5 Articles

15 Simple Ways to Spread Happiness and Kindness Around You — The more you judge other people, the more you judge yourself. When you feel the urge to judge someone, replace it with a kind thought or action instead. [The Positivity Blog]

5 Free Ways to Learn Self-Defense Skills From Experts — Start by reading about the basics so you have a better idea of which classes and courses might be a good fit for you. [The Penny Hoarder]

6 Cleaning Mistakes You Didn't Realize You Were Making — Keep lemon juice away from marble and limestone because the acid can dull these surfaces. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Five things that make a bookkeeping system work — There needs to be a way for you to check what the balances should be, whether it's calling your bank or printing out account statements. [Mighty Bargain Hunter]

6 Ways to Save Money on Your Monthly Cell Phone Bill — Streaming movies, making video calls, and playing certain video games can really drain your data. Avoid these activities if you don't have an unlimited data plan. [Shopper Strategy]

Other Essential Reading

How To Start A Business: Bootstrapping To 7-Figures And Early Retirement — You'll have the wear many hats in the first few years. It's crucial that you figure out what your priorities are so you don't waste time on non-essential tasks. [Financial Samurai]

Rookie Investing Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid — It's never safe to assume that you'll get double-digit returns from your investments. [Creative Money]

Three Finance Tips for the Large Purchases in Your Life — If you're on the road a lot, consider investing in a hybrid car to cut down on gas costs. [Modest Money]

6 Reasons You Overspend Your Budget — It's easy to overspend when you mix up your wants and your needs. Everything Finance]

8 Ways to Make Family Meal Times More Fun — Shake things up by leaving the dining table for themed meals, like a picnic at the park or a backyard barbecue. [Dumb Little Man]

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