Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some stellar articles on ways to slash your water bill, saving at the farmer's market, and ways to make money.
17 Ways to Slash Your Water Bill — Installing a low-flow shower head and planting drought resistant plants can help you slash your water bill. [Money Talks News]
7 Insider Tips to Saving Money at the Farmer's Market — If you want to save money at the farmer's market, avoid the morning rush. [PopSugar Smart Living]
8 Easy Ways Anyone Can Make Money — If you want to make money, review books or become a virtual assistant. [Moolanomy]
7 Ways to Cut the Cost of Cable — To save money on cable, turn off your cable equipment when it's not in use. [Kiplinger]
How to Reduce Stress When Buying a Home — Getting pre-approved for a mortgage loan can help reduce your stress levels when you buy a house. [StockMonkeys]
5 Steps to Getting that Raise — Are you hoping to get a raise? Rehearse what you want to say before you talk to your boss. [Free Money Finance]
Save up to 50% on fresh produce — If you want to save up to 50% on your produce, pick it yourself! [MSN Money]
7 Memorable and Low-Cost Ways to Commemorate Your Child's Birthday — To commemorate your child's birthday, scrapbook or create a slideshow. [Parenting Squad]
4 Tips for Being a Responsible Authorized User — Be a responsible authorized user by monitoring your spending. [Credit Sesame]
Beware Real Estate Agent Buying Contracts — Interviewing your real estate agent will enable you to make sure you don't sign a contract with someone who doesn't like your strategy. [Bargaineering]
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